(NCL )Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited Recruitment 2020 Applications are invited for interested and eligible candidates to apply for 259 Posts, Apply for these posts before 17-04-2020
Vacancies Details
Name of the Organization: (NCL )Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
Name of the posts: graduate executive trainee
Pay scale (Salary): Rs 60,000-/- to Rs 1.80,000/-
Job Location: Bangalore – Tamil Nadu Cuddalore (India)
Number Of Posts: 259
Education Qualification: Candidates Should have pass Bachelor of degree in Mechanical, Bachelor of a degree in electrical, Bachelor of the degree in ECE, Bachelor of the degree in civil, Bachelor of a degree in instrumentation, Bachelor of a degree in mining, Bachelor of a degree in CSE, M tech geology, chartered accountant, Postgraduate degree in social work
Age Limits:
General/ e w s 30 years
OBC 33 years
SC-ST 35 years
Application Fees:
General & OBC Candidates: Rs 854/-
SC-ST ex-serviceman PWD candidates Rs 354/-
2A, 2B, 3A and 3B Candidates Rs: 150/-
SC /ST Candidates: Rs 25/-
Important Dates
Starting date for submitting the application:18-03-2020
Last date for submitting the application: 17-04-2020
Important Links
Official Notification: CLICK HERE
Official Website: CLICK HERE